AHS Counseling Staff
Secretary | Registrar: Mrs. Kemp - mkemp@troy.k12.mi.us
Data Processing Secretary: Ms. Kania - jkania@troy.k12.mi.us
Counseling Office General Phone Number: (248)823-2962
School counselors work collaboratively with ALL students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the local community agencies to help students with their academic success. School counselors work on three domains with students, Academic, Career, and Social/Personal. The School Counselor's role is to support the academic development of students which can mean identifying social and emotional issues that get in the way of academic success. School counselors work with students on issues that may impede their ability to be successful in classrooms. There are limits to what school counselors do. School counselors are not therapists and do no provide ongoing therapy. When ongoing therapy is needed, counselors work collaboratively with parents to meet students needs.