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Plagiarism Form


Athens High School Message Header
Mr. Vernon Burden, Principal
Mr. Ben Cronin, Assistant Principal
Ms. Megan Henry, Assistant Principal
Mr. Todd Heugh, Athletic Coordinator

Student Plagiarism Form

Understanding What Plagiarism is and How to Avoid It

In order to help students understand plagiarism and the serious consequences that may follow, we would like you to review the content of this letter with your son or daughter. Many preventable occurrences of plagiarism have caused concerns for both the staff and the students in the past few years. It is our belief that educating students about what constitutes plagiarism and how they can avoid it will help improve the situation. Please read the following document with your son and daughter, and have your student sign to confirm his or her understanding. Your signature is requested as well. The signed paper should be returned with your orientation packet. Keep the attached document for your records. Resources to help you avoid such issues can be found at and As always teachers will answer any questions that the students may have once the school year begins.

Principal, Athens High School
After reading the attached document, I understand (check all that apply)requiredPlease select up to 3 choices
Please select up to 3 choices
Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain only numbers
Parent/Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
By checking this box, I agree and certify that I have read and reviewed the information provided on this form with a parent and/or guardian, and understand the content. By clicking this box my typed first and last name, as it appears above, constitutes as my electronic signature to submit this form.required
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format